Confidence can be strengthened by many different experiences and your mindset.
These are a few different experiences that helped me build my confidence, so I think they will help you too.
1, Experience of repetition over and over
If you have the experience of doing the same thing a lot of times and you get so used to doing that, you become more confident.
For Martial Arts training, repetition of practicing the techniques over and over everyday, and then having the experience of competitions over and over gives you confidence.
2, Experience of passing small goals and success
Confidence means believing in yourself, right?
What kind of people you believe or trust?
I probably believe and trust people who don’t lie and when they say they will do something then they actually do it.
To be able to believe in yourself is the same.
When you decide to do something, you have to really start, and promise to yourself that you will keep doing it and never give up.
For example, if you decide to go to the gym everyday or study something everyday, make sure you really start doing it and keep going.
Decide to do something → Take action → Keep going. Having that experience lots of times, then you get confidence.
If you are always giving up and not confident in yourself, you may possibly be in a bad cycle of trying too hard → giving up → self-image goes down → lose confidence.
Don’t worry, that might not be your fault. You just didn’t know how to make an achievable goal and mindset.
3, The experience of getting through the hardships and obstacles
When I look back, a long time ago. I think I got confident in myself by having the experience of going over every obstacle or going through the hard fights and not giving up. Winning or losing, doesn’t matter as long as you try your best and don’t give up, you will get confidence.
Your attitude is important when you face to the hardships and obstacles.
Do you smash the obstacles or get smashed by the obstacles?