My teacher Submission Arts Wrestling founder SHIHAN Hidetaka Aso used to tell us to strengthen our body all the time.
Through physical training to strengthen our body, we will get benefits for our mind part as well, such as getting mental strength, and as our body is getting stronger, we will be getting confident.
But we have to be careful here, he said ” Strengthening the body is important but that doesn’t mean just go to the gym, and forget about Martial Arts training and just try to get big muscles. Some people end up making their body unbalanced which makes it easy to get tired, lose speed, unhealthy, etc, or get injuries from lifting heavy weights. That’s like putting the cart before the horse. A more important priority is to get a strong and tough body to fight against injuries and sickness, and achieve the ideal body for fighting. "
If you are getting sick or injured all the time, you can’t keep training, so can’t improve constantly. You need healthy and tough body with full of energy all the time. And the ideal body for fighting is to be able to control your own body with swiftness, agility and flexible movements.
Traditional Martial Arts exercises and body movement drills are the best way to attain this kind of body.
Through physical training to strengthen our body, we will get benefits for our mind part as well, such as getting mental strength, and as our body is getting stronger, we will be getting confident.
But we have to be careful here, he said ” Strengthening the body is important but that doesn’t mean just go to the gym, and forget about Martial Arts training and just try to get big muscles. Some people end up making their body unbalanced which makes it easy to get tired, lose speed, unhealthy, etc, or get injuries from lifting heavy weights. That’s like putting the cart before the horse. A more important priority is to get a strong and tough body to fight against injuries and sickness, and achieve the ideal body for fighting. "
If you are getting sick or injured all the time, you can’t keep training, so can’t improve constantly. You need healthy and tough body with full of energy all the time. And the ideal body for fighting is to be able to control your own body with swiftness, agility and flexible movements.
Traditional Martial Arts exercises and body movement drills are the best way to attain this kind of body.