Having a lot of different experiences gives you knowledge as well. You can’t learn the truth just from reading textbooks and Internet. So, try to experience many different things.
Don’t be afraid of having experiences or of failing or making a mistake. Failing and making mistakes is better than worrying too much about it and not doing anything.
Make sure you don’t compare yourself with other people, because if you do, when you see someone better than you, you lose your confidence straight way. Compare yourself to your past.
You have to be careful what you think about things, what you say too. This is a lot to do with your subconscious mind.
When you try to do something, you shouldn’t think or use these words such as “ I can’t, that’s too hard, impossible, I feel no good, I’m too tired, etc “.
Your subconscious mind is the closest one to listen to those words, so you are making yourself weak by using those words.
You also shouldn’t criticise people. You may feel good just after you criticise someone, because that makes you feel you are better than someone.
Your subconscious mind can’t tell if you criticised yourself or someone else, so you will lose confidence afterwards.
You should always use these words instead “ I can do it!! , That’s easy!! , I feel so good!! , I got so much energy and power!! “
Say those words with your head up and back straight.
You don’t have to be elegant or pretend to be tough. The real confident people don’t have to do that.
They are so natural, they don’t need to put on an act of confidence it comes from deep inside, from their experience and mindset.